Press Release

The establishment of the 「Global Hydrogen Industrial Association Allia…

March 02, 2022

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Press Release

Release Date

2021. 09. 09.(Thursday)


in charge


International Coordination Team


The establishment of the Global Hydrogen Industrial Association Alliance (GHIAA) begins in earnest


- 13 major hydrogen industrial associations’ representatives signed a joint letter of intent (LOI) on the 9th of September

- The alliance will be an efficient international cooperation platform in the private sector for revitalizing the global hydrogen market

□ The H2KOREA(Chairman Jae-do Moon, hereafter referred to as H2KOREA) announced on September 9 (Thursday) that hydrogen industrial associations around the world had signed a joint letter of intent (LOI) to establish ‘Global Hydrogen Industrial Association Alliance (GHIAA)’ and support private-centered activities.

○ Through this LOI, participated 13 hydrogen industry associations representing their own countries formed a consensus on the necessity of GHIAA which will be a platform for cooperation such as sharing information regarding hydrogen industry trends.

* Participating countries (associations): Korea (H2KOREA), Europe (Hydrogen Europe), USA (FCHEA), Australia (AHC), Canada (CHFCA), France (FH), Norway (NHF), United Kingdom (UK HFCA), Spain (AeH2), Netherlands (NWBA), Chile (H2CHILE), China (IHFCA), Singapore (HFCAS)

□ GHIAA is scheduled to hold an official inauguration ceremony in 2022 after one year of preparation.

○In addition to establishing a private-centered exchange platform and data hub, it will foster and support the international hydrogen industry cooperation, and promote private investment in the market.

□ Currently, there is an urgent need to expand and develop the hydrogen industry base on private participation as the global hydrogen economy can only be revitalized and enhanced by the active participation of both government and private sectors.

○ Therefore, GHIAA plans to support business activities efficiently under cooperation with hydrogen industrial associations representing each country for the implementation of the hydrogen economy and expansion of the hydrogen industry through strengthening private-centered industrial cooperation.

□ H2KOREA Chairman Jae-do Moon said at the opening remarks, “Through the signing of this joint statement of intent, we formed a consensus to support the establishment of a solid government-private partnership in the hydrogen industry, which is a key means for realizing carbon neutrality, and to revitalize international cooperation.”

○ “Through GHIAA, we will promote communication between industry, academia, and research institutes and create synergies in international cooperation, which will contribute to the early realization of the global hydrogen economy.”

□ The letter of intent indicates the importance of private activities for the early implementation of the hydrogen economy and vitalization of the hydrogen industry, and focuses on promoting international hydrogen industrial cooperation activities to strengthen it.

○ The main contents are as follows:

Promoting the regular exchange of information on hydrogen industry-related policies, regulations, industry, and deployment status of each country;

Discovering and supporting multilateral R&D and demonstration projects globally;

Hosting and participating in regular meetings among partners in each country;

Designating H2KOREA as a temporary secretariat before the official launch in 2022.



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